Most Common Wire Names -
R NEMA power for both heat and cool (sometimes the marking will be R v )
Rc NEMA power for cool (when separate power for cool) Rh or 4 NEMA power for heat (when separate power for heat)
W NEMA Heat (sometimes the marking will be W h)
Y NEMA compressor (sometimes the marking will be Y c)
G NEMA fan (sometimes the marking will be G f)
C NEMA Unswitched side of transformer or Common power
O NEMA Heat pump change over powered in cool.
B NEMA Heat pump change over powered in heat.
CLOCK WIRES - An older house may have an electric clock with two wires connected.They should not be used and should be capped-off so they do not touch each other or any other wire.
Multi-stage heat pump note: Presently, we have these compatible thermostats they are the 8010, 8050C, 8082C and the 8085C. Muti-stage heat pumps have two sources of heat. One is the heat pump and the other is auxiliary heat, generally electric strips. The Auxiliary heat is used to bring the room temperature up faster, and it is the main source of heat in cold weather.
You have a multi-stage heat pump if:
1. Your old thermostat has an Emergency Heat switch or button.
2. Your old thermostat has two mercury bulbs instead of just one.
2. Your old thermostat has wires going to the letters W2, X, or E.
If you have a singe-stage heat pump:
To use the Rite Temp thermostat (all but the 8095 and 8099) on a single stageheat pump connect:
R to RC and RH Power
Y to Y and W Compressor (the compressor is used for heating and cooling)
G to G Fan
O to O Change over (powered in cool on some brand heat pumps)
B to B Change over (powered in heat on some brand heat pumps)
If both O and B wires are present, DO NOT CONNECT THE B WIRE TO B ON THE THERMOSTAT. Call us or your local HVAC service to identify the wires. Some heat pumps use the letter B for other than change over and it must not be connected to any terminal until its use is identified.
FLORIDA HEAT PUMPS (single stage)
These use water for the heat exchanger in heat and cool and do not
require auxiliary heat.
R to RC and RH Power
Y to Y and W Compressor
G to G Fan
W to O Change over
Please contact for detailed instructions
OTHER NAMES? - If you have another wire name than those listed here, email .