Ritetemp Thermostats are 100% checked for accuracy at our factory.
They have passed a +/- 1/2 a degree accuracy check.
Standard thermometers look at only air temperature. If you check our thermostat against most digital thermometers there will be a difference. Electronic thermostats measure both radiant heat and air temperature at the temp sensor inside the unit, and will tend to read two to four degrees different than most other thermometers. Many common digital thermometers have an accuracy of +/- 5 deg F.
Some digital thermometers use contact thermocouples and can only be used when in contact with a surface. These are not useful in measuring air temperature.
In the end our goal is your comfort. We are confident of the accuracy of our product. We are sure you will be able to use them to adjust the temperature in your home to make it comfortable and energy efficient.